The Slovak University of Agriculture (SAU) in Nitra is a top educational and scientific institution whose main aim is to provide students with a university education, drawing on scientific knowledge in agriculture and neighbouring areas, as well as on cretoive scientific research. Due to the fact that it is the only university of its kind in Slovakia, it has acquired a unique, national status. Its aim is to offer such education, research and advisory services which would create conditions for the development of agriculture and its neighbouring areas, the development of Slovak rural areas and their linking to the development of the international community. Meeting these aims contribute to the educational, scientific, technical, and economic growth of society. This is done in harmony with the world scientific and cultural trends. Following national and generally human traditions, the SAU is a significant part of the Slovak Republic's academic and research institutions network.

At present, the SAU offers a university education in the following levels of degree programs:
1st - Bachelor's / award "Bc"
2nd - Engineer's (Master's) / award "Ing"
3rd - Doctoral / award "PhD"

In addition to the above-mentioned degree programs, the SAU creates conditions for a life-long education (specalized study, retraining cources, etc.) that allows its participants to the complement of develop their knowledge in particular area. The educational process at the SAU in Nitra is carried out of 26 study areas (29 study specializations) of the Engineer's study, in 18 study areas (4 study specializations) of the Bachelor's study, at in 14 study areas of the Doctoral study. All study or research areas are accredited, offering apposibility to study in full-time or part-time forms. Some kinds of study are carried out in the form of a distance study.

Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources
Its objective is to create conditions for such education, research and counselling which would ensure the dissemination of knowledge necessary for the development of agriculture and related branches as well as for rural development in Slovakia, with a view of the country's participation in the international community.
