Euro – Projectservice Ltd. Slovakia is efficient in the following fields: -education in social and economic field with respecting European policy cooperation with such partners in the region as the self-government, the state administration, the entrepreneurs, secondary schools and universitiesspecialized education, increasing of qualification and also requalification, directing the attention at future occupation-cooperation with school department and job centre the qualification oriented to the protection of the environmentrural development
The activities implemented in Middle –Slovakia region: -the international exchange of the instructors and learners -organizing of the conferences and seminars on the national and international levels -cooperation in the process of suggesting educational and requalifying measures -cooperation of educational system and economy -the international youth exchange-they will acquaint themselves with the economic, cultural and social life of the host country -education in foreign languages
Project experience: Leonardo da Vinci –mobility projects, Socrates, Phare projects- grant schemes oriented to travel industry, environment, education and requalification and ESF