Founded in 1991 The Turkish Union in Berlin-Brandenburg (TBB) is a registrated non-profit organisation. It was founded on December 1, 1991 as the "BETB-Union of Immigrants from Turkey," and was renamed the "Turkish Union in Berlin-Brandenburg" in 1995. Umbrella organization and... The TBB is an umbrella organization for associations respresenting the interests of Berlin and Brandenburg citizens of Turkish origin ....individuals Unaffiliated persons can also be direct members of TBB. They are organized in two groups, the member group "Union Members" and the member group "Other Unaffilliated Persons." They also have the possibility for representation in the body of the TBB. .... in the German Turkish Community The TBB is a founding member of the Turkish Community in Germany (TGD). Representation of interests... equal rights... living together peacefully The TBB works toward of ethnic minorities, as well as for their social and political equality. The TBB concentrates exclusively on Germany and does not comment on political issues in Turkey. Nonpartisan and internationally neutral The TBB is a nonpartisan and internationally-neutral organization. The fundamental principles of the TBB are democratic work structure and the rejection of violence, discrimination and exclusion. Consensus is used to determine policy. An immigration took place in Germany It is clear that the labour policies of the sixties resulted in immigration. Although this immigration permanently changed everyday life in Germany, necessary political furtherance did not occur. .....necessitating a political conclusion The TBB calls for German politics to acknowledge the modern reality and change itself accordingly. It is therefore necessary to abandon the fiction "Germany is not an immigrant lcountry.” In practice that means: the establishment of public institutions to deal with questions about immigration, a modern citizenship code allowing both for citizenship based on birthplace and dual citizenship, anti-discrimination and equality legislation, and changes in the education system, especially structural consideration of the respective languages and cultures of ethnic minorities. ... the united Europe In a united, culturally diverse Europe it cannot be ignored that this diversity already exists in Germany and enriches the country.
The structure of TBB Managing Committee (3 spokespersons)
Representation Council (the Managıng Commıttee, representatives of the member organizations and member groups)
Assembly Meeting (delegates of the membership organizations and a corresponding number of delegates from the membership groups) Meets every two years and elects the Managing Committee.
Members of TBB
OrganisationsAssociation of Turkish Speaking Persons in Social and Medical WorkBahadın Solidarity-Association (BAHADIN-DER) Bengi Turkish Folkcenter (TÜHABİLİM) BİRİKİM - Culture Centre Forum of German-Turkish Academics (DeTAF) Football Club Berlin Göztepe Friends of the German-TurkishEurope-School Kreuzberg Help and Solidarity- Association for Retired, Handicapped and Elderly Persons (EM-DER) Intercultural Center (IZ) Black Sea Culture Association United Turkish Sport Center Sport Society UmutsporSport Society Anadoluspor MG Sport Society Hürriyetspor Voice of the Cultures (SdK) Turkey-Centre Turkish Association of Parents in Berlin-Brandenburg Turkish Women Association Berlin (BTKB) Turkish Culture Council in Berlin (BTK) Turkish Science- and Technology Center (BTBTM) Association of Turkish Travel Agencies Berlin (BETÜSAB) Unaffiliated PersonsMember group: union functionariesMember group: other unaffiliated persons
Projects of the TBB
Self-help, Advice and Consultation Centre: Thıs project ıs financed by the Commissioner of Foreigners’ Affairs of the Berlin Senate. It supports self-help groups and offers advice on issues including living. working permits, and denaturalisation. (1 Person)
Education Company of the TBB: Thıs project offers congresses, conferences, training courses and information on immigration and integration for persons working on these matters in the government, welfare organisations, the media and the Turkish population. (2 People)
Centre for Intercultural Job and Employment Production (ZIBB): The project is financed by the Federal Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs. The goals of the centre are developıng the intercultural employment potential of the Turkish population, and developıng measures to dismantle employment hindrances. (4 People).
Initiative for Job- and Employment Motivation (IBB): The project is financed by the Federal Employment Agency. The goal of the Initiative is to lead unemployed immigrant youth back into the regular labor market, to ease the entrance of immigrant youth into the labour market, to increase opportunities for more intensive utilization of these individuals’ skills, to promote intercultural occupations, to develop a model for the optimal organization of the labour market in regard to immigrant youth. (18 People).
Anti-Discrimination Network-Berlin (ADNB): Offers advice and support to persons who have been discriminated against; organizes congresses, conferences, training courses and information. (2 People).