PUBLICATIONS – EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMES - CONSULTING 89 M. Voda, 104 40 Athens, Greece, Tel. 0030 210 82 53 933, Fax: 0030 210 82 53 783, E-mail: pmdian@otenet.gr
DIAN is a private organization which operates in Athens since 1987. Its activities aim at providing services in the following sectorsPublicationsConsultingSpecial Interest Education and seminars.It has a permanent and part time staff of 18 persons.
It has taken part in numerous community projects undertaking The publication of the printed matter and the training material, in different languages. The dissemination strategy of the project during the implementation period.The dissemination of the results and the products of the project, after the completion of the project. The most recent projects, DIAN is participating are:
1 Leonardo da Vinci “English for Training and Mobility”
Agreement: no 2003–SK/03/B/F/LA-177006.
2 Leonardo da Vinci “E-Chance for Women”
Agreement CZ/02/B/F/PP/134004
3 Socrates “Romipen”
Agreement: no 88277-CP-1-2000-1-CZ-Grundtving-ADU
4 Socrates “Powar”
Agreement:no 2005 225755-CP-1-2005-TR-Grundtvig-G1
5 Leonardo da Vinci “Mare Nostrum”
Agreement: no 2005 –ES/057B7F/PP-149363
6 Youth Programme
“Natural Environment and Humans”
Agreement: no 1.2/R3/2006/1
7 Socrates “Neighbours”
Agreement: no 2006-2578/001-001
8 Socrates “Prohealth”
Agreement: no 2006-2542/001-001/SO2-31PRO
DIAN is in collaboration with a numerous Educational Institutions and Organizations of the Public or Private Sectors as:
SIOV – State Vocational Education and Training Institute – Slovak Republic SPU – National Istitute for Education Bratislava – Slovak Republic Entente of Birmingham –United Kingdom Training 2000 of Mondavio -Italy Ostravska Universita – Czech Republic ATHENA-Association for Education and Development of Women - Czech Republic Regionalni hospodarska Komors Ostrava- Czech Republic DIE-Deutsches Institut fur Erwachsenenbildung-Germany TUV Akademie Gmbh – Germany ALONSO Y GARAY S-L-ASIMAG –Spain CAFOC Auvergne – France Delegation Regional aux droits des Femmes et a l’Egalite-France Tulossilta Tampere – Finland TRANSFER Slovensko - Slovakia The British Performing Art De kleine Academie, Belgium Tanz Medizin Deutschland, Arts Medicine Germany, Federation des communautes Helleniques de Belgique, Greogorius College, Slovenia Gesamtschule Zehlendorf, Amu Hadar, Sweden National Institute for the Deaf, Sweden Τhe Hellenic Centre, London, England Eufrese, Belgium Orff Forum, Austria Federation des Experts Comptables Europeens European Investment Bank